Our heart belongs to Famagusta as Anorthosis fans... Its beyond a team.. Anorthosis is our memories as refugees from Famagusta town... ANORTHOSIS Tfc its an example like Anorthosis Throught the years and all that, that has gone throught its stays strong and fight to be at the top

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Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Jimmy Wright at 6/14/2021, 6:40 AM
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM